Monday, September 19, 2005

I have been tagged

Or meme'd as the case may be. Here are the "rules"
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five people to do the same.

I went with the 24th post because #23 did not have 5 sentences. And the amazing quote is:
I would swear it was Debbi Bliss Chunky Cashmerino if I hadn't seen the label myself

Not very interesting but I was referring to Knit Pick's new Panache yarn. I used it to make a scarf for my MIL and it is wonderful.

Now I am supposed to tag 5 people but the problem is I don't know 5 people that blog. And one of the few people I know has been meme's already. What to do?? I think I will go to KR and go to the blog section and pick 5 people at random! HAHA bet they will be as thrilled as I was :-)


Erica.Hysterica said...

I am one of your random KR tags. This was my first tag. I was thrilled! Since I've only been blogging for a short time, I didn't have enough posts, but I just uses the latest. Time to go out and tag others!

Meg said...

What a great way to find people to tag! I love your 5th sentence of #24, it has a certain gravity to it, taken out of context!
And also, I meant to say, the swift is awesome and I am going to try to get Rebecca's boyfriend to make one for me after he makes one for her AND Lady Eleanor is coming along great!!

Kim said...

This was kind of fun...

I love my new swift.I think I need to go buy more yarn so I can use it...:-)