Saturday, November 19, 2005

Samus is finished!

Yeah Me!!!! Samus is finished. I sewed the zipper in last night. My sewing machine was not behaving so one side of the zipper is sewed in my machine and the other by hand. I actually like the hand sewn side better and when I am ready to sew the zipper into Ribby (which I haven't started yet) I will probably hand sew that one in. It really wasn't hard to hand sew it in. It looks a little puckered in the picture but in real life it looks really good, if I do say so myself. I am very proud of this sweater and can't wait to wear it to work next week and to Thanksgiving dinner with the inlaws!

And here is a rare occurance: a picture of me! I don't normally post my picture...I don't like having my picture taken, let along put it there for the millions (haha) of people that read my blog to see. Bet here I am with Samus in all her glory!


Kim said...

Wow.. looks nice : ) You and I are totally different on the idea of zippers though.. I totally prefer the machine because my hand sewing *sucks*.. I don't know what the deal is.. maybe because I didn't take home-ec? *shrug* I dunno.

Nice to see you : ) For two people with the same name we sure do look different!!

Now you can finnally start that Ribby!

Jerry & Maxy said...

It's beautiful, Kim!!! Well done!!! I have still yet to start my Samus...but I love seeing finished ones, and yours looks GREAT one you! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Your Samus is fabulous! I love the color -- it looks great on you.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful sweater...nice job and nice to see you too! :)

Kim said...

Kim, I don't think we have seen a picture of you....I just know from your blog you are tiny . I work with 3 other Kim's and we are all different as night and day.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

Miri Mack said...

Gorgeous sweater!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. It's always nice to see how a pattern looks on different people.


Miriam (Charc on KR)

Anonymous said...

Very nice! And good creative-knitter thinking (a couple of blog entries back)on producing a better I-cord.

CjSachiko said...

Wow! The sweater looks great!

JustApril said...

It looks GREAT!!! Yaay SAMUS!

Kudos on the zipper treatment, I try to avoid zippers myself - probably because the last time I sewed one I was 18. Maybe I should get over it since I am TWICE that now - LOL

It sure is nice to get a peek atcha! Speaking of KIM pictures, you actually DO remind of another Kim I know! =)

We Aprils are few and far between.

Kim said...

I was born in April..does that count {grin}

JustApril said...

Yeah, that counts, but I was born in June (:]

Kim said...

hmmm...THen why didn't your mom name you June??lol

JustApril said...

Because she always wanted an 'April' and she already had a sister named June - It makes for a very confusing life, especially meeting new people LOL - I need to wear a sign bearing FAQ's on my forehead to save time. LOL

JustApril said...

PS - Have you seen my finished sweater? =)*) *batting eyelashes*

Kim said...

I did see your sweater...very nice job. It looks really nice on you. I am waiting for my yarn for Ribby. Once I decide on a size to make, I can't wait to start...