Monday, January 23, 2006

I've been tagged

I usually hate these things, but have been reading the responses to this one on a few blogs and actually found it interesting. So thanks to Bonnie here goes:
Four jobs in my life [best to worst]: This is tough because I think I have only had 4 jobs total.
1. The best job is my current job, Technology Coordinator for a local school district. It is my absolute dream job and I love it.
2. Home Health Aide Scheduler for a Home Care Agency. Very hectic but I did enjoy it
3. Nurse at nursing agency. Not horrible, but I never knew where I would be working, not continuity
4. 12 years as a nurse at County Public Health Department. I took on a lot of responsibilty but received no recognition. I even went to school and earned a degree for a job that never materialized. The good thing is that prompted me to leave and go to my current job :-)

Four Movies you could watch over and over: Richard Gere, anything, but mostly Autumn in New York, Sweet November, Any good tear jerker and my new favorite, Brokeback Mountain. I am such a sucker for a true love story!

Four Places you have lived: I have spent my entire life in upstate NY, within a 15 mile radius. and I so hate winter!

Four Places you have been on vacation: This is a little easier but not much.
1.Toronto, twice, for both my honeymoons, different husbands, same hotel!!! LOL (yes, my second husband knew I had been to that hotel on my first honeymoon and he was ok with that.)
2. Lake George at the Georgian Hotel this past fall. Beautiful!
3. Disney in Florida, twice as a child
4. Hamilton, Ontario Canada

Four websites you visit daily:
3. Edutech help desk to see if I have any help desk calls pending
4. Bloglines, but only from home because it is blocked at school

Four of my favorite foods: Comfort food all the way!
1. Mac and Cheese (homemade, not from the box)
2. Curly Fries
3.Chocolate, the darker the better :-)
4. Ice Cream
(hmmm...beginning to see why I am always dieting....)

Four places you'd rather be right now:
1. With my husband, Martin (he is at school right now and I miss him aawwww...
2. Someplace, anyplace warm
3. Shopping, perhaps at New York Knits, in Victor, NY
4. Knitting, rather than updating my blog

Four Bloggers I am tagging: Sorry guys, don't hate me lol. This one is relatively painless.
1. Kimmish
2. Teri
3. Wendy
4. Amanda (she was the blog the popped up when I clicked on the knitting blog ring) :-)


Bonnie Franz said...

Hi Kim!
Not sure you're going to see the response on my blog, so I'll answer here too. I have relatives in Fairport, Rochester, Honeyoye Falls, Livonia, and Penfield, so in visiting them and going to various weddings, showers, etc. I've been around that whole area.

Terri H. said...

Thanks for the tag, Kim--I feel like one of the popular kids in high school. I'll post results in the next couple of days. Same hotel, different husbands, huh?

Kim said...

Yeah, hehe, I wondered if anyone would actually read that lol. My second wedding was very small (40 people) and we could only get away for a long weekend. Hubby was supposed to plan the weekend away but couldn't come up with any ideas on where to go,what to do. So I mentioned that I had been to the Delta Chelsea before and it was a nice hotel and I liked Toronto. I did tell him when/with whom I had gone and he didn't about being confident!

Anyway, he is a great guy and has been from the very beginning.

Amanda said...

Hi, I didn't know that you're tagging me until tonight! It's on my blog now.