Monday, March 27, 2006

Ok, Ok, an update already!

Ok, I have been shamed into updating this darn blog, which by the way, I had just typed a huge update and firefox crashed! ARRGGHH

So I haven't updated in quite sometime. Let's just say that life got in the way. What's up with having to work for a living anyway!!!

I participated in a really cool swap hosted by Lainie. We swapped stitchmarkers and here are the ones I received:

The set on the left is from Lainie and the set on the right is from Robyn How cool is that. Robyn made hers from little buttons and Laine used beads. I have sent markers off to Lillian and Celia Lillian received hers but Celia lives all the way over (under?) in Australia and I don't think they have gotten there yet. I do hope they like what I made, it was only my second attempt at making markers. Click here for a better pic taken by Robyn herself.

I have been able to fit some knitting in. I finished the cables and lace sweater from the fall IK. I loved the patter, I loved the yarn, I loved knitting it, but I did not love the way it looked on me. I have discovered that fluffy chunky yarn makes Kim look a little to fluffy and chunky herself! Here is the finished project...
...before I frogged it! Yes, you read that correctly. I didn't like the way it fit and I knew I would never wear it again so I undid the neckline and put it on my ball winder and wound away!!!! But never fear, dear readers, it is already on its way to becoming something else. I am making the cabled shrug in the same issue of IK
This was a fairly expensive yarn and I am glad I found something equally as pretty to use it for. I have learned to cable without a cable needle which is making things go much quicker.

Whew I am tired from this update. My computer has crashed twice now (at least I saved a draft before it crashed the second time.) I promise I will not let this lapse again for another month...:-)


JustApril said...

You're back! yaaay - and whoa! made it tried it frogged it - brave you!

Kim said...

Yup, I am back. Really sucks when life gets in the way of knitting and blogging lol. WHen I told one of the girls I work with that I had frogged the sweater, I thought she was going to cry. You would have thought that she had spent a month knitting it. LOL.

JustApril said...

yep, it does suck when life bothers your life =) lol I HATE when that happens!

It's interesting how invested our friends can get in our hobbies =)

Kim said...

Thanks really wasn't that painful to frog it...rather theraputic, actually lol. I feel better because I spent a lot of money on the yarn and I knew I wasn't going to wear the sweater. So no I know I will put the yarn to use...

Nadira said...

Oooh. That sweater was fabulous. But I am a BIG believer in frogging something you aren't happy with, so more power to you. I _love_ that color, and I'm sure it'll make a gorgeous soemthing else.

Kim said...

Thanks Jess
It is becoming the cabled shrug from the fall IK

Jo said...

I just finished that same Cabled Shrug. It was my sister's Christmas present...for last year...LOL! I'll be posting it on my blog this weekend. Isn't it a great knit?