Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Things other than the snowflake vest

I have been working on a couple of other things besides the snowflake vest. I never feel quite right unless I have at least 2 projects on the needles at all times :-) The first is actually a FO:

This is my second moebius. This has been my take along project so hasn't gotten a lot of attention. It is 2 skeins of Manos(the same Manos that is in the header of my blog...) I like this one much better than my first one. I cast on 30 fewer stitches and the size is perfect.

This is the other project I have been working on:

It is the Cascading Cables sweater from the Fall 2005 IK. The yarn is from Queensland Collection called Uruguay Chunky (no relation to Manos del Uruguay)It is a very soft 70% Merino, 20% alpaca and 10% silk. It was a bit pricier than I usually buy, but I fell in love with the sweater and then found the perfect yarn, and it was on sale :-)
It looks like I am in a blue phase right now...nothing wrong with that, aye Kimmish ;-)
I want to work a couple more days on the the sweater before I pick up the vest again. The sweater is really cool as far as shaping goes. It starts out with size 15 needles for 7 inches, then you go down to size 13 needles until it measures 16" and then you go down to size 11 needles until it measures 18.5" and then divide for the armholes. Really cool way to get shaping without having to thing about decreases. I just finished the size 13 needles and will start the size 11 tomorrow. That should also make the lace section not quite so lacey....


Kim said...

You won't hear a complaint from me, that's for sure : )

I really dig your new projects.. and ofcourse the colors.. lol. Your Cabley sweater reminds me so much of my TCC sweater.. (Well.. my *vision* of it, for I have not cast on yet!)

Glad to see that you have some happy knitting to pick you up from the snowflakes.. : )

Kim said...

Thanks kim...I really like this sweater...it is F-A-S-T being done on such big needles. I would love to finish it up before school begins again next week.
Have you been over to the snowflake blog lately? Check out the latest post and all the comments. I think this is a new knitter that just is not getting it....

JustApril said...

COOL way to decrease! I've always wondered about stuff I've seen that looks to retain the same number of stitches. BLUE, yes - it's good =)

Ah... the new knitters, I fondly recall... my own experience. I drove this poor woman crazy all day one time because I didn't understand YO's right. HAHAHAHA she was SO patient.

New bloggers are fun too, remember? LOL **blink blink blink** I'm helping someone with theirs now, she's so sweet (a little grandma) - I finally said, I'll be a member of your blog and be tech support - so if she can't figure it out after trying for day, I can do it for her before she goes crazy.

OK, April, shut UP! aaaaaaaaaa

Kim said...

Good idea, April, on the tech support. I helped someone with their progress tracker and never thought to have her make me a member...it would have been so much easier to do it that well. You are so smart!

I really don't mind helping the newbies..heck, I am fairly new myself. I just don't think she was getting what I was telling her, so I just finally said, ok, try it your way, which turned out to be my way in the end :-)

JustApril said...

It HAD to be done that way, or it just never would have worked. I am teaching her, too, but I have to always keep a copy of the template handy, LOL - whew. She's such a sweetie, though, and very grateful, so it's nice. =)

Jeanette said...

KIM, I love that stitch pattern in the cascading pattern you're doing (don't mind the typ
s...o...you know us insane artzy types! (hehe). I've seen the queensland but not knit it before - what you are doing with it is phenomenol!

Larjmarj said...

Nice knitting! I like the Mobieus. They look comfy. Marj

Kim said...

Kim Kim Kim : P I did post a picture of my TCC.. Both at the TCC KAL and on my blog a few posts back. I just didn't post *another* picture because it wasn't looking too much different from the first one.. I might post one tomarrow though if I get lots of knitting time in.. It just depends on how the day goes I guess. But I did post one! You can look at it! lol... And you're right.. you sure haven't updated in a while.. what gives.. lol.. just kidding : P