Saturday, December 30, 2006

Surgery, again!

Well, my gallbladder came out yesterday. Can't remember if I blogged about this or not, so here is the brief rundown of what happened.

On 12/16 I woke in the middle of the night with the worst pain I have ever felt. Right under the right side of my ribcage. I was pretty sure what was causing the pain, even though I have not had gallbladder problems in the past. While trying to breath without causing pain, I asked hubby to get my laptop so I could google cholesystitis. (yeah, the nurse in me pops up every once in a while). My symptoms were spot on for gallbladder disease. I called my doc and he sent me to the ER. They did an exam, gave me pain medicine and did and ultrasound. The ER doc said I had many stones, too many to count. They sent me home with pain medicine and appointments for an official ultrasound and to see a surgeon.

Fast foward one week exactly, to the hour to 12/23 and I have gallbladder attack #2. Take the pain medicine and tough it out. Then, the day after Christmas, 12/26, attach #3. Finally see the surgeon on 12/28 and have another attack while in his office! He says he wants to remove the gallbladder sooner than later. I ask what is his idea of sooner and he say Can you be here tomorrow?

So I had some bloodwork done Thursday and had my gallbladder out on Friday. I was told I could come home that day but I had trouble getting pain and nausea controlled so I spent the night in the hospital and came home Saturday morning

I won't be going back to work on Tuesday, as was planned after my surgery 7 weeks ago. It looks like I will be out for another 2-3 weeks...

My New Year's resolution is to not have surgery in 2007!


JustApril said...

YIKES! scary - I'm sorry you had to go thru all that =( hope you heal very fast

Kim said...

UGH... that sounds terrible.. but atleast they seemed to really take care of you and quickly too. Hope you feel better soon, and yay for more knitting time! : )

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you came through okay, here's praying that you heal quickly wihtout incident!