Saturday, August 11, 2007

Off the needles...

and on the hook! (crochet hook, that is) I finally finished the knitting of the pinwheel sweater. Boy this took forever but that could be because I haven't been knitting much (hmmm Second Life, anyone?)

Here is a shot of the sweater laying on the floor. It has a serious case of curl-age but that should straighten out with the crochet edge. It seems small now even though I increased the size by 10 percent. Lots hope the crochet edge adds a lot. Right now the front edge of the sweater barely comes to "the girls"

Here is a close up so you can see the pinwheel design. I really like the pattern. I am not a crocheter...I used to crochet before I started knitting but it has been many years. The pattern for the crochet border seems a little sketchy at best. Hopefully I can figure it out.


Anonymous said...

It looks so nice! You and I are about at the same place in the pattern. How did the armholes work for you? I did it completely differently because I couldn't understand the pattern at all. I hope it works out alright!

Kim said...

Hi Lindsay,
I did the armholes differently than stated in the pattern as well. Just couldn't figure out what they meant. I put the stitches on a holder and then did a provisional long tail cast on. I hope it works when it comes time to take out the provisional cast one lol