Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I want to make the Snowflakes & Arrows vest from Knitpicks

I have the pattern and finally all the yarn. I am having trouble making gauge for this project but that is not my biggest problem.

If I take the # of stitches to cast on (292) and divide by the stitches per inch (8) I should come up with the size listed (39")...well I don't...292/8 = 36.5! That certainly is not even close to 39". I called knitpicks today and someone was supposed to get back to me but they didn't. I asked if they could contact the designer and see if that was correct.

The other issue is that I am getting 7.5 stitches per inch and 292/7.5 = 38.9...much closer to the size listed. So...do I go with my gauge and the number of cast on stitches???


Kim said...

Man.. that's a hard one.. I don't even know what to tell ya.. Hopefully knitpicks will call you back soon..

I used their free pattern to make Aunt Faye's gift.. and their sizing was ALLL kinds of wrong.. so I don't really trust their patterns anymore..

Sorry I don't have any advice.. but I guess here's some: If they don't call you back or give you a satisfying answer.. go with your gauge and the required number of stitches.. I think that's the best way to go.. unless they can tell you differently.

Anonymous said...

Hello from a fellow Upstate NYer. I was just about to cast on for this same vest, I hadn't noticed the error yet. I f your gauge works out to give you the correct size, I would go with it.

JustApril said...

guage, but that's assuming you can get the pattern stitch to come out right - that's a hard one for my aching head

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, it's Jo from KR

After reading your email (and replying too quickly...lol) I came back here and worked out all your math. I would go with your guage and the required stitches because it is closest to the actual size. The only worry I would have is running out of yarn. But I sweat that all the time anyway. My GUESS is that either the designer or KnitsPicks staff put the pattern out reading 8 stitches to the inch instead of 7.5 because of the decimal. Oddly enough, people tend to freak over numbers that aren't "even" and it's easier to wrap one's mind around "easy math".

I'll let you know when mine comes in. We can be each other's support group. ;)

Jo << who really does love the 'Cuse

Kim said...

Hey Jo,
I actually ordered extra yarn because I thought I might have to go up another size. So I think I will have plenty of yarn. I am working on ribby but I may cast on for the vest this weekend.