Friday, January 20, 2006

My first Moebius

Well, my first one that I actually finished. I did a test moebius with some ribbon yarn just to get the hang of the cast on and I attempted one in KSH but it came out way too short.

This one is made with Manos. It took almost 3 full skeins. I liked the size when it came off the needles, but as I wore it today it s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d. But i still like it. It actually hits about at the top of my pants now...when I put it on this morning it rested on my chest.

I have 3 more skeins of Manos in a very pretty aqua, teal, and white colorway. I want to make another moebius, but want it to be a bit smaller. The first one I cast on 160 stitches, I think for the second one I will only cast on 130-140


Anonymous said...

It looks fabulous! Congratulations -- and what a beautiful colorway.

Kim said...

Thanks Na Prous! It was a lot of fun to knit and I am already planning my next one!

Kim said...

OOoooo.. fancy and never ending.. I like it : ) I would be majorly annoyed with the stretching though.. but that comes from needing things to be tiny.. I'd love to see the teal yarn you're talking about!

Kim said...

Of course you want to see the teal yarn, is almost blue, right ;-). I will post a pic after I get it cast on...

Anonymous said...

So jealous yours turned out. Sigh. I'm sitting here looking at mine, knowing I have to rip it out and start again...Yours is lovely.

Kim said...

What happened kknitter?

Anonymous said...

it's just too stretchy at the size I knitted it. And it either needs to be shorter or longer.