Sunday, January 22, 2006

Yummy yarn!

Isn't this the yummiest yarn you have ever seen? This is Manos colorway #119 and it is soon to be another moebius wrap. The first one I made came out a little too big so I am going to cast on fewer stitches this time. I think the moebii are really fun and quick, too.

Here is an update on the snowflakes and arrows vest. It is slowly but surely coming along. I really haven't been that excited about working on this thing...probably because of all the mistakes in the pattern. I have started a KAL for it and 2 people have joined so far. So if you are thinking of making this, come on over and join us!


Kim said...

Wow! I love that yarn!! Course.. I would.. it has.. blue.. lol. But anyway.. I think it's great and it'll make a great One of THEM THANGS!!


Kim said...

hehe...Iknew you would like it Kim!