Sunday, February 12, 2006

A little of this, a little of that

Yesterday was spent mostly in the car. We went to Casanovia to say good bye to Martin's brother and his family. They are moving from snowy upstate NY to sunny Las Vegas, baby! I wish I were going with them...I am not a big fan of the snow.

In knitting, I am still working on the snowflake vest. Looks like it will be at least another week before I finish it up.
I made a cute little felted heart bowl. This blogger offered a free pattern. This is what it looked like before felting I don't have a good after picture but it shrunk down to a really firm fabric and looks just like the picture in the pattern. This took me 2 hours from cast on to bind off. What a fun little pattern. I am going to fill it with some chocolate hearts and give it to my daughter for Valentine's Day aawww...
When we got home from our trip to Cazanovia, we opend the door and saw this:

and this

and this
What is this you ask? That is the yarn I am planning on using for the cables and lace sweater in the Fall IK issue. I got one ball of it (it is called Uraguay Chunky and is not related to Manos del Uraguay)and swathched and then cast on and did a couple of rows.

I am sure that it was Suzie that played with the yarn. Reno never messes with my yarn and besides,

he had proof of what he was doing while we were gone:

If you can't tell what is on the screen...he is reading the KR Forum!


Terri H. said...

Hey Kim--ROFLMAO. Maybe Suzie was trying to write you a message in yarn (while Reno, obviously, was tring to figure out how to post to Knitters Review).

Happy Valentine's Day!

Kim said...

HeHE, I think Reno was trying to find out how to wind a center pull ball so his mamma wouldn't be mad. Luckily, the work that was attached to that ball of yarn did not get pulled off the needles...

maniacalmultitasker said...

ROFL so totally sympathise!
Looks like Suzie had quite a bit of fun!

JustApril said...

hehehehehehe what a silly kitty =)