I had my surgery on November 7th and came home from the hospital on November 10th! Not the overnight stay I expected but that was due to a problem with nausea and not eating.
Turns out I did not have an ovarian cyst but rather a fluid filled fallopian tube. Seems this is fairly common if you have had your tubes tied and a hysterectomy, which I did. The fallopian tubes get sealed shut with scar tissue and then fill with fluid. I forgot to ask exactly how big it was but will ask on Friday when I have a post op check up. My doctor took both tubes because the right one was starting to do the same thing but she left my ovaries...YEA no instant menopause!!!
I hate the recovery time. I feel so lazy. I don't do much besides shower and lay on the couch. If the weather cooperates, I take a short walk. But that is all I am supposed to do. No lifting, no driving, no stairs
I have been knitting a little. I even knit in the hospital and don't think I made any mistakes. I am making a hoodie pattern from Rams Wool. It looks like they don't have the yarn for it anymore so I can't find a pic of the pattern to show you. It is oversized, more like a coat and has a pattern called tumbling blocks which is just knit and purl stitches. It was written to be worked in pieces, but I cast on for both fronts and the back at the same time. I have about 10 inches completed, another 15 to go to get to the armhole and neck decreases. No pic because I don't know where my digital camera is and don't feel like rummagging around for it. I would like to have this finished before I go back to work, which looks like it will be the week before Christmas unless I squeeze a few more days out of my doctor.
I have a couple of projects that are sort of waiting for me. My daughter want's some wristers. You can see them here I started them but on size 3 and they are too floppy, just need to get the energy to restart them on size 2 needles.
I also have this idea running around in my head about a baby blanket for my SIL who is due in May. I wanted to make a blanket but wasn't thrilled with the pastel choices and we don't know if it is a girl or boy yet. Then I remembered how babies are supposed to like lots of contrast like black, white, and red. I came up with this idea of a black and white puppy on a red background with a black and white check background. Blogger won't let me post the pic but here is a link to it. That is my own rough interpretation done on Paint. I know the border is not spaced evenly, but you get the idea! I just have to decide on yarn. Someone suggested Plymouth DreamBaby which I think might work. Patternworks has another baby blanket knit up in that on their website.
Whew....this was a long update. Well, now that I am home and have nothing to do I can post a little more frequently.
P.S. You know those Cadbury Mini Eggs that they have only at Easter time? The ones I absolutely love and can't get enough of? Well, hubby stopped at Wal Greens for me the other day and discovered they are making them for Christmas now! WOO HOO!!! he bought me 2 bags...he loves me so much!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
A little (long)update
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Glad to see you are doing well after your surgery. Can't wait to see your work. ttyl
Wow.. I didn't even know that could happen.. but it sounds like it's better than having a cyst though.. and yay for keeping the ovaries! : )
Try to enjoy your time off as much as you can.. and the doggie blanket sounds/looks like a really cute idea!
Hey knitty....glad to hear your doing so well after surgery. Our hoodie looks fab! Miss you girlfriend!
Hey missy!
Glad to see you found my blog! I miss you so much :-( Work just won't be the same without you. I haven't met your replacement yet but I am sure it will be scary! lol. Send me your e mail soon!
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