Saturday, February 16, 2008


My dr gave me a prescription for Lunesta yesterday. I took that last night and almost slept through the night, YAY! I only woke up once about 4:45 am and went back to sleep until 9! I feel so much better. It is amazing what a lack of sleep does to you.

I am feeling stronger again today too. I took some bottles back to the recycling place today. It is really sunny here today, although only 22 degrees! brrrrrrrr. Nice day to stay in bed and keep warm all day lol. I also cleaned up around the house a bit and have some laundry in the washer. That will probably be about it for me today.

The cotton hoodie is back on track. I only have a couple of inches to go and then the fronts and the backs will be done. THe pattern is written with back and 2 fronts as 3 separate pieces, but I didn't want to bother with seaming it. So I cast on all the stitches and have been working it in one piece. Now that means I have 200 stitches on the needles and a row takes a few minutes to complete but it is worth it not having to seam it at the end. I will only have to sew in the sleeves and add either buttons or a zipper and it will be down. It is written for buttons, but I think I may put in a zipper. Should start looking at my favorite zipper source: Zipperstop Great place to get zippers of all sizes, types, and colors. And the prices and shipping are reasonable. They are located in NYC...maybe I should take a trip there sometime?

I have all next week of from school. YAY! and plan to knit, watch past episodes of Lost, and sleep! I am almost done with season 1 of Lost...only 2 episodes to go. Then I will begin season 2. Who knew I would get hooked on a TV show again...the last one I was hooked on was Third Watch...something about those boys in uniform! lol