Thursday, February 14, 2008

Still so tired

Still very tired, not sleeping well. Just want to feel better... can I have some cheese with my whine? Actually, I prefer some extra dark chocolate with a glass of Shiraz...mmmmm

But I digress. I am calling the dr tomorrow about the tiredness. Maybe he can give me something to help me sleep. I go to bed at night and sleep for about 2 hours and wake up. Then I toss and turn for a couple of hours, never getting back into a good sleep. Wake up more tired than when I went to bed. This morning when I woke up, I started to cry just because I am so tired...what a way to start the day. :-(

I had to rip out the rows I just completed on the cotton hoodie. I accidentally started on the wrong section and the pattern was off. it happened at about the chest area so would have been really noticeable. So I frogged it this afternoon, tinked the last row and am ready to begin again.

And Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Hope it was all you hoped it would be. :-)