Monday, February 18, 2008


President's week school break begins today and I have the whole week off...yay! I get to sleep in in the morning, stay in the warm covers...ahh how nice. Except this morning. I had to get up and have blood drawn and then drop my new pants off at the tailor to be hemmed and get a few things at the grocery store.

The cotton hoodie is still coming along. Just an inch or two before I start the neck decreases and then the body will be done. I have to sit down with the pattern and decide how I am going to do the decreases. The pattern was written with the 2 fronts and the back done separately. Of, I did them all together so I didn't have to seam the sides when I am done. I will probably have to put the back stitches on a holder, and knit the two fronts from two balls of yarn....completely do-able. And I have decided to do the sleeves one at a time so I don't get messed up like before. There is a possibility I could get the whole thing done this week.

I finished season one of Lost, now have started season 2. I should be able to watch a bunch of episodes this week..and knit at the same time :-)