Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ex-husbands are stupid!

but, I suppose that may be why they are the EX husband, huh? Some of you know that my daughter went to live with her father in mid December. Her father( from this point on known as FHN) and I agreed to handle child support between us, not involve the court. I calculated the amount and started to pay him.

One day, I received a summons to appear in family court for child support. I called FHN and asked why we were going through the court and he had some lame story that he had to in order to stop his support and start mine. I happen to know that is not true. He stopped his in December and is not reported as being in arrears.

So anyway, we appeared in court this morning. His wife was there with him. When the court deputy called our case, she stood up to go in with us. The deputy asked if she was Ms Williams, and when she said no, he told her she could not come in, this was only for the parties involved. (hehe, loved that one!)

We went in the room, heard some preliminary jargon and then the judge asked for our financial affidavits. I had mine filled out and passed it to the judge. FHN could not find his and said "That is my bookkeeper out there..she handles all the financial stuff". The judge just asked if he had it or not. He said, I guess not. Each time the judge asked for specific information FHN did not have it, but I did! yay me!

I knew the support would be the standard NYS amount, and the judge calculated that based on my W2 forms. It actually ended up being $30 less per month than I had calculated. Not much, but I am sure FHN's wife is the one that pushed us back to court because she didn't think I was paying enough....ha...not so much!

I have no problem paying is my obligation and well worth the peace and quite it brings to my house.

I feel I am getting a little stronger as each day goes by. I am still tired, but am beginning to feel a bit like myself again.

When I got to my office this morning, I turned around to hang up my coat and looked out my window. Someone shot a hole in my office window with a pellet gun!! I didn't think to take a pic until after maintenance came and taped the hole.
You can't really see the hole because there is a reflection of my camera in the pic, but it is right in the center of the tape. (nice tape job, huh? I get to live with that forever now)

This picture is taken right in front of the window where the hole is, looking towards my desk.
As you can see, my head would be in direct line with that hole in the window! I have no idea when this happened. I do know that a couple weeks ago there was a similar incident at the high schoool. I figure this happened at the same time, while I was out on leave. The pellet did not penetrate both windows, but still a little unnerving. Who knew Gananda was such a high crime district? Things that make you go hmmmm......

Oh and BTW, the writing on the chalkboard? It is a diagram of my network....yeah I know, geek, total geek :-)


Anonymous said...

Was FHN hunting in the area??? I hate him too

Kim said...

no but he wore his hunting boots, camo sweatshirt and hunting cap to court! lol