Monday, February 11, 2008

Short update today

Still working 1/2 days, although I am feeling a little guilty about it. I am feeling stronger everyday and probably would be ok going back full time. But my Superintendent doesn't seem to mind so I am going to take the time.

I am feeling better emotionally as well. Today is the first time since the PE that I have been in a good mood, and actually laughed. Although I was laughing at myself for making a silly math error.

I am knitting again too. I know I finished the two pairs of socks, but I have also picked up the cotton hoodie. I am going to have to rip the sleeves back because I can't figure out where I left off in the pattern. That isn't such a big deal because I only have about 3 inches done on each sleeve. I was doing them both at the same time, but when I restart them I am going to do them one at a time. This hoodie has been on the needles for at least a year. I had planned to finish it last spring and didn't. Then I planned for last fall and that didn't happen either. Maybe this spring... is ;-)