Friday, February 08, 2008

Tired today

Feeling pretty tired today. Yesterday I felt good, even thought, hey, maybe I will work full days next week. Today...not so much.

I became breathless while drying my hair this morning and had to go to the living room and sit for a few minutes. That hasn't happened in the past week. And walking from my car to my office also left me breathless. I suppose the ups and downs are normal, but they are still frustrating.

Another thing that is frustrating is people asking me how I am. I know they care, and they wouldn't ask if they didn't want to know, but I feel sort of obligated to say, "Fine thanks, how are you?" I don't think they want to hear "Not so good today, hard to catch my breath, feeling pretty tired." When someone asks me "How are you today?" I have always replied with the polite, no information answer. Now I want to say..."how the hell do you think I am!" But I don't. My usual reply is becoming "Better" or "I'm getting there". And the replies of "It will get better" or "It will be ok" are driving me nuts too....How do they know it will get better? How do they know it will be ok. I think asking "how are you" and saying "it will get better" are really just a way to make the person asking feel better. Sort of like.."ok, I did my good deed today, I checked to see how she is feeling, even though I don't want the real answer".

But besides being breathless, I am in a good mood today. Had a chance to talk with a very close friend that I don't get to talk to as much as I would like. And I am home on the couch again..ready for a nap...naps are good :-)