Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Snow day, YAY!

We have a snowday today, well, actually an ice day. I have not been outside but Cheryl told me she had almost 3/4" of ice on her car. I heard people in the neighborhood chipping away...glad I wasn't one of them, but then again,I park in the garage so it wouldn't have bothered me anyway.

I liked snow days when I was a kid, but I think I like them even more now! I spent the morning doing my favorite things. I stayed in bed longer than usual, enjoying how cozy and warm it was. After I got up, showered and dressed, I mixed up a batch of chocolate chunk cookies...they are in the oven now. And when the cookies are finished, I am going to watch an episode or two of Lost, Season 3. What better way to spend a cold, ice day? There are probably 43 other things I should be doing, but I have 143 things I want to do :-)

Ahhh what a wonderful day!